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 Hypoclorous Acid-Ozone Water Electrolizer and Sprayer


Make way for the ultimate disinfectant sprayer and electrolysis generator that will make either Hypoclorous acid or Ozone water disinfectant by either using a teaspoon of salt to make Hypoclorous acid disinfectant or use a teaspoon of baking soda to make Ozone water disinfectant. Kill all Bacteria, Mold, or Viruses 99%

As a Hypoclouous Acid generator it transforms ordinary table salt by converting the chlorine in the salt (NaCl) to Sodium  Hypochlorous acid(CIO) is a weak acid that forms when chlorine in the salt bonds with a oxygen atom by electrolysis. A very good disinfectant by oxidation.

As a Ozone water generator by electrolysis it makes H20 into 03 Ozone water and H2 as hydrogenated water, a hydroxide that is also a health drink. Ozone water will kill all viruses in 99.9% in only 30 seconds. It disinfects by oxidation and is so safe to use you can drink it as a health hydroxide hydrogenated water. No odor, dissipates back to ordinary 02 in 15 minutes. It sounds crazy but it is true a strong oxidizer to kill viruses, bacteria  and also a health drink.


You do not need to buy expensive disinfectants any more, make your own it is the best disinfectant known. Ozone water is much more effective than any chlorinated products and completely safe to use. ozone has proven to be 50% stronger and 3000x faster than bleach with no odor and non toxic.


 Hypochlorous Acid-Ozone Water Electrolizer

This battery model produces a fine spray good for surface & equipment disinfecting. Battery model is good for 1.5 hrs of continuous use. 800 ml container good for 20 minutes of continuous use depending on the spray setting.

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​​​Fogger and  Electroliyzer Combo


Another choice for the Hydronizer is a compo unit of a hydronizer and fogger gun in either a battery operated (wet fog) or as a plug in 1200 watt model (dry fog).  With this adaptable combination you can use the 350 ml electrolizer that comes with a hand pump sprayer to disinfect smaller surface areas then use the compo unit to disinfect whole room  areas



Hypochlorous Acid Info




Hypochlorous Acid Food Industry

Hypochlorus Acid and Ozone Water Generator

Hypochlorus Acid for Sterilization and Odor Control

How Ozone Water Disinfects

Due to the high oxidation potential, ozone will effectively degrade microbes and virus, causing cell membrane rupture and decomposition of essential bio-molecular components. Ozone is a molecule of three oxygen atoms O3 that is not stable and will breakdown quickly and form radicals that have a high oxidation potential, or redox it is what makes it a strong oxidizer and disinfectant. During the oxidation, only one oxygen atom is used for the chemical reaction forming with hydrogen into OH-radicals. Harmless to people, the ozone quickly attacks and eliminates contaminants it comes in which it contacts. The oxidization reacts with the cell walls of bacteria and viruses the same way hydrogen peroxide and iodine do, causing cell portion of the microbe, which leads to its death. The oxidation also removes electrons of molecules, eventually rendering them inert. In this way O3kills the bacteria that cause odors, viruses that cause illness, as well as breaks down bio matter on surfaces that provide the food for microbes.

Ozone Water Test Results

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 How to use the Electrizer Ozone Water Generator

Preparation: In a liter/quart of warm/hot water put in one tablespoon of baking soda (electrolite). Let the baking soda difuse into the water. Initially the water will have a fogy appearance then will clear this is because the Carbon Dioxide in the baking soda is being released and hence gassing off. Once the water looks clear refrigerate to as cold as possible without freezing.


There is a need to ozone the water for sufficient time Ozonate each 500ml or 1/2 quart of water for at least 20 minutes. Once these times have been reached ozonating for a longer period of time is not required- the water has already absorbed as much ozone as it possibly can.


To use (or drink) the ozonated water within a 15 period of time after making it. The ozone will degrade back into oxygen, so you need to use the water before this happens. Keeping the water for later is possible by placing it in the refrigerator, however over a period of 24 hours, the water will lose up to 50% of the ozone.

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